Out and Proud Charter
The central bank announced its new Out and Proud initiative during an LGBT+ Network of Networks breakfast in London on July 25, as the City of London steps up efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.
The Bank of England’s Out and Proud Charter is a public commitment to supporting LGBT+ colleagues, and includes an invitation for other organisations to consider adopting the Charter, or one similar to it, for the benefit of LGBT+ diversity and inclusion in their workplace. This principles-based Charter aims to ensure that organisations steps to create a safe, inclusive environment where people from the LGBT+ community can bring their whole selves to work, irrespective of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Bruin is proud to be among the financial services organisations supporting this initiative, in following 5 Principles:
Principle 1 – Commit at the highest level to support our LGBT+ colleagues
- At the most senior levels in the organisation we will visibly support the LGBT+ community. Visible support is an enabler for LGBT+ people to be their whole selves at work. It can also encourage dialogue between the community and others.
- An Executive Sponsor for LGBT+ colleagues will represent issues affecting the community at the most senior level and drive meaningful change.
Principle 2 – We empower and regularly consult an Employee Network for LGBT+ colleagues and their allies
- We recognise the importance of an effective Employee Network for LGBT+ colleagues and allies, providing a forum where they can give and receive support to and from their peers.
- We empower the LGBT+ Network to support our senior management team by providing constructive input into the organisation’s policies, processes and training, and thereby help to hold us to account.
Principle 3 – We commit to enforcing a zero tolerance approach to LGBT+ harassment and bullying
- We commit to ensuring that anti-bullying and harassment policies are adhered to and are the responsibility of everyone at every level within an organisation.
- We have clearly documented, effective, fair processes for dealing with reports of LGBT+ harassment and bullying.
Principle 4 – We promote LGBT+ awareness in the workplace
- A lack of understanding of LGBT+ issues can foster an environment that may be unwelcoming for LGBT+ colleagues. We will combat this by providing materials and training specifically on LGBT+ issues.
Principle 5 – We will capture meaningful data to monitor and publish progress
- Individuals can find formal disclosure of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression difficult or even distressing in a workplace setting. Therefore, traditional methods of capturing data may not always be appropriate. However, given the importance for an organisation of understanding the diversity of its workforce, we will think creatively about how we can reassure colleagues and encourage disclosure. Data collected should be handled with the appropriate degree of anonymity and sensitivity.